NWOA Constitution
The NWOA Constitution is here, updated in October 2020 to reflect the inclusion of the Isle of Man.
North West Orienteering Association Constitution October 2020, updated following inclusion of the Isle of Man.
1 The Association shall be called the North West Orienteering Association, hereinafter referred to as NWOA.
2 Object
The object of the NWOA shall be to manage the Sport of Orienteering within the North West of England, to include the counties of Cheshire, Cumbria, Lancashire, Greater Manchester, Merseyside and the High Peak region of Derbyshire together with the Isle of Man.
3 Membership
3.1 The membership of NWOA shall be open to all the clubs affiliated to the British Orienteering Federation (as defined in Clause 11.3 below) within NW England and the Isle of Man (as defined in Clause 2), hereinafter referred to as Clubs.
3.2 Each Member (ie Club) shall pay fees to the NWOA on a just and equitable basis, at a rate to be decided at the Annual General Meeting of NWOA.
4 The Executive Committee
4.1.1 The affairs of NWOA shall be conducted by an Executive Committee, consisting of:-
2 other members
4.1.2 They must each be a “NWOA Member of BOF” (as defined by Item 11.2) They must be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting. Not more than 2 members of the Executive Committee shall be from the same Club.
4.2 The elected Executive Committee members shall have the power to fill any positions which remain vacant at the end of the AGM by appointment of individuals subsequent to the AGM and without further reference to the Clubs.
4.3 The Executive Committee will meet and act as required for the efficient conduct of NWOA’s affairs, in accordance with decisions made by Delegate Meetings. It will meet not less than twice a year.
4.4 A Minute Book shall be maintained with a record of the business of all meetings, and the names of those present. The Minutes of all Meetings shall be sent to the Clubs.
4.5 A Quorum shall consist of not less than 4 members of the Executive Committee.
4.6 At meetings of the Executive Committee, motions shall be carried by a simple majority of those present and entitled to vote, including the Chairman. No member of the Executive Committee shall have more than one vote, except the Chairman shall have an additional casting Vote in the event of a tie.
4.7 Members of the Executive have no voting powers at Club Delegate Meetings, Annual General or Extraordinary General Meetings
5 Management
5.1 The Executive Committee shall make appointments as necessary to undertake the work of NWOA, and these appointees may work directly with the Clubs in NWOA.
5.2.1 The Executive Committee shall arrange appropriate representation of the Association at meetings of BOF Board of Directors, Committees, Groups, Working Parties and other similar BOF Meetings.
5.2.2 The Executive Committee shall arrange representation of the Association at meetings of Bodies relevant to Orienteering in the Region.
5.3 Appointees and other representatives shall be accountable to the Executive Committee but shall not have
votes if invited to meetings of the Executive Committee.
6 Finance
6.1 The Financial Year shall run from 1st September to 31st August.
6.2 The accounts shall be independently audited each year and presented to the Annual General Meeting.
6.3 Cheques written against NWOA funds shall be signed by 2 designated signatories (there shall be at least 3 designated signatories).
6.4 In the event of NWOA ceasing to exist, the assets shall belong to the Clubs in proportion to their most recently determined affiliation fee.
7 Club Delegate Meetings
7.1 There shall be at least 2 meetings a year to which Clubs will be invited to send Delegates and Observers. The purpose of the meeting will be to inform Clubs of the business of NWOA and to determine future policy.
7.2 Any “NWOA Member of BOF” (as defined by Item 11.2) may request the inclusion of Agenda Items at a Club Delegate Meeting.
7.3 The Proposer and Seconder of a Motion shall be NWOA Members of BOF as defined by Item 11.2
7.4 The business of the meeting shall be notified to the Clubs at least 21 days before the meeting.
7.5 Each Club shall have an equal number of votes, and voting shall only be allowed on notified business. Only the appointed Delegates shall cast votes on behalf of clubs. Observers and Executive Members shall have no voting rights. All motions shall be carried by a simple majority of those voting at the meeting. In the event of a tie, the motion shall fail.
8 Annual General Meeting
8.1 An Annual General Meeting shall normally be held in October and in any case no later than 12 weeks after the end of each Financial Year.
8.2 The date of the AGM shall be notified to all Clubs not less than 60 days before the meeting.
All nominations for the Executive Committee and proposals to be put to the AGM shall be received in writing by the Secretary not less than 40 days before the meeting.
8.3 Motions shall be proposed and seconded by Members (ie Clubs or their nominated voting representatives).
8.4 An Agenda indicating the business of the meeting shall be issued to all Clubs not less than 21 days before the meeting.
8.5 Nominations for the Executive Committee shall be duly proposed and seconded and shall be accompanied by the signature of the nominee. Proposers and Seconders of Nominations must be “NWOA Members of BOF”, as defined by Item 11.2. Proposer and Seconder shall not be members of the same Club.
8.6 Additional Nominations for the Executive Committee will be accepted on the day of the meeting if insufficient have been received in advance. In this case, Pre-Nominated Candidates are deemed elected. Otherwise, Elections are on First Past the Post system.
9 Extraordinary General Meeting
9.1 An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by the Executive Committee or by an application in writing from at least 3 Clubs.
9.2 It shall be held within 50 days of being called and shall only discuss the business for which it has been called.
10 Quorum and Voting at General Meetings (AGMs & EGMs).
10.1 A Quorum shall consist of a nominated representative from at least half the Clubs which are members of NWOA.
10.2 Each Club shall have one vote, to be cast by the nominated representative of the Club and voting shall only be allowed on notified business.
10.3 A motion to change the constitution shall require the assent of at least 75% of those Clubs voting at the meeting.
10.4 All other motions shall be carried by a simple majority of the Clubs voting at the meeting. In the event of a tie, the motion shall fail.
10.5 The nominated voting representative must in all cases be present at the meeting.
10.6 Open and Closed Clubs shall have equal voting rights.
10.7 A motion to change the Constitution shall be an agenda item at either an AGM or an EGM. The motion shall be proposed and seconded by Members (ie Clubs or their nominated voting representatives).
11 Interpretation and Definitions
11.1 Requests for interpretation or decisions on any matter not covered by the Constitution shall be referred to the Executive Committee.
11.2 For the purpose of this Constitution “NWOA Member of BOF” means “Full BOF Member or Local BOF Member, in either case through first-claim membership of a club affiliated to NWOA.”
11.3 The titles British Orienteering Federation, BOF and British Orienteering all refer to the Governing Body for Orienteering in Great Britain and Northern Ireland.