North West Night League 2017
BrightBikeLights will be supporting the North West Night League for the 2016/17 season.
Dates and venues for the 2016/17 season.
26/11/2016 SROC White Coppice, Chorley, results
03/12/2016 PFO Hameldon Hill & Woods, Accrington, results, league tables
14/01/2017 LOC Blakeholme, Windermere, results, league tables
21/01/2017 MDOC Teggs Nose Country Park, Macclesfield, results, league tables
04/02/2017 SELOC Amberswood, Wigan, results, league tables
04/03/2017 DEE Marbury Country Park, Northwich, results, final tables
Thanks to all this season's event officials, helpers & to Chris Rostron for league management.
Final results for the 2015/16 league